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  • August 19th, 2013

    Colon Tract Detoxifying

    Smiley Face Pooping
    While most people think of drug detox in terms of urinary excretion, a large portion of metabolic waste is actually removed through the bowel system. The bowels can actually expel up to 5 times as much toxins as the urinary tract. The addition of natural fiber diet will help to excrete a majority of THC metabolites and will also help by binding and expelling bile-acids, which makes you feel a lot better as well. A diet high in fiber is the perfect example of this. Often times, people have believed that a high fiber diet for the week leading up to a drug test would help them pass. The reason people have believed this is because a diet that is high in fiber redirects a greater portion of the fat soluble THC metabolites present in your digestive tract away from your urinary tract and towards the colon. Meaning that it acts almost like a crossing guard for the foods and liquids leaving your stomach after digestion, what would normally and naturally head towards your kidneys, to then be processed out as urine, is then sent towards the colon to be processed out of your body as fecal matter.
    There are a variety of detox products that MB Detox offers to cleanse the liver, colon and the kidneys and also help to filter out unwanted toxins that can adversely affect drug tests. Vale’s Fiber Boost provides a potent dose of dietary fiber to help speed digestion and promote regularity and great colon function. Vale’s Fiber Boost can be taken regularly to improve digestive health or with fast acting detoxification supplements to provide the fiber that they often lack. If you have any questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our trained detox product professionals will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions and then recommend the detox kit or detox pills best for you!
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