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  • December 17th, 2012

    Detox program – what do I do? Part 2

    -         Complete cleansing kits are designed to get rid of all kinds of toxins from your body. Mainly, those types of detox programs consist of herbs and vitamins – all natural ingredients that help your body to detoxify in a natural manner, just faster than it can do so in its own. Of course, eating right, exercising and keeping well-hydrated by consuming large amounts of fluids will aid the detoxifying process. However, it is almost impossible to get completely clean in a very short period of time, especially when the drug in question is marijuana. Unlike other toxins, THC metabolites are stored in your fat tissue, and cannot be simply flushed away with water. Detox kits that are designed to help you detoxify will speed up the process, and if it says on the package that it will take at least seven days, then stick to it. Taking more pills than directed not only may make you sick, but also will be useless since your body can absorb only so much and process out x-amount of metabolites a day.

    -         Ok, so I cannot take all the pills at the same time – I figured that would not work… Should I try to postpone the drug testing then so I can finish all the capsules, or can I go on the same day when I take the last dose?

    -         Detox pills will be increasing the actual toxin level in your urine as your body is being cleansed, so it is suggested you wait a couple days for the things to settle before taking your urine drug test.

    How to pass