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  • July 23rd, 2013

    Enjoy Your Vacation, But Not Too Much!

    Beach Party

    Summertime! It is time to pack up the family truckster and head out for adventure. Whether you like to go to the beach, go to the mountains or just stay home, it is nice to get away from work. Pack the sunglasses, sun tan lotion and any other extracurricular substances you wish to enjoy but remember when the vacation is over the reality begins again. That could mean drug testing.
    If you intend to smoke a little pot on vacation or do some other drugs just remember that the THC metabolites and other drug metabolites will be reporting back to work with you on Monday. The THC doesn’t go on vacation. It stays in your system long after the last bowl has been smoked. It would be wise to have some detox products in the pantry in case you come back to work and find out that there are going to be random drug tests occurring because someone at the job had an industrial accident so now the company needs to give everyone urine tests or a saliva tests.
    Having a bottle of synthetic urine will solve that problem if the drug test comes up with little or no notice. All you need to do is just heat it up to body temperature and serve. If you do have a few days then some detox pills or a detox drink will do the trick. Just make sure you get some home test strips to know when you are ready to give your sample.
    Enjoy responsibly!

    Good Afternoon

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