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  • August 30th, 2013

    Fall Has Arrived

    Labor Day is just around the corner and life is about to get serious again. Vacations are over and it is Back to School time. This time of year tends to get a bit hectic and before you know it, some colleges and some human resource departments are going to require drug testing. Whether they are random drug tests or scheduled, you will need to be prepared.
    If you smoked a little weed on vacation during the summer, chances are there are still some lingering THC metabolites in your system. The first thing you will want to do is to conduct a home test to see if there is indeed any THC that may show up on a urine test. Using a home test strip in the privacy of your own home is one of the advantages of modern technology. It takes the guess work out of the equation.
    If you do find that the test results show that you will still test positive for THC if you have to take a test for pre employment, work related accident or school then you will need to take measures to ensure that you will pass a drug test.
    The first thing that you can do, if you have the time, is to clean your system out permanently with the Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program. This will clean your blood, urine and saliva for good until you smoke again. This is ideal for someone who plans to quit altogether. If you still want to smoke then you can get a same day detox drink / detox pill combination along with some home test strips to have on hand in case you have to take a urine test. Synthetic urine is also great for when you have little or no time to stop smoking for a urine test.
    Secondly, having a bottle of detox mouthwash is not a bad idea since more and more companies like to do the saliva tests because they are less intrusive and can determine if you have used anything within the past few days.
    As the temperatures drop the party does not have to be over but you just have to be more careful.

    Warm By The Fire

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