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  • October 24th, 2011

    False-positives – what you need to know: Efavirenz

    When submitting a specimen for a drug testing, you are required to disclose all the medication that you are currently taking or had taken in the past week or month. The reason why it is important to provide all the prescription names is that sometimes drugs interfere with each other and a test results comes up “false-positive” for something you had not taken. The detailed list of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may influence the drug test results follows below.

    Last time we spoke about Edecrin.

    Today we will talk about Efavirenz.

    General drug information:

    Efavirenz is a special medication that is used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – being classified as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) this drug slows the spreading of HIV in the body, and a part of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). It is important to understand that Efavirenz does not cure the infection and does not prevent a patient from spreading the virus to other people, but prevents the body from developing HIV-related illnesses. It is always used in a combination with other drugs; do not change or skip the doses of medication unless approved by your doctor.

    Possible side effects:

    You should not take Efavirenz if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also, before consuming this medication you should consult with a doctor if you have any of the following conditions:liver or kidney disorders; epilepsy or other seizure disorder; hepatitis B or C infection, or any other serious condition that your doctor should know about. Keep in mind that alcohol can increase certain side effects of Efavirenz.

    Efavirenz has been known to cause a false positive test reading for marijuana as a result of testing for illicit drug use. Since it is not recommended to discontinue the regimen of Efavirenz unless directed by doctor, use other means of preventing the unwanted drug test result – synthetic urine will provide a toxin-free sample for any drug test so you can rest assured that your medication will not interfere with your plans.

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