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  • December 14th, 2011

    Healing Herbs: Barberry Root

    Some of our detox products contain an herb called barberry root.  Barberry root or barberry bark has been an important herb for many cultures for many centuries.

    In the Middle Ages, Europeans used this herb to treat liver and gallbladder ailments like jaundice and it became known as the jaundice berry.  Russians also used this berry to treat liver and gallbladder disease as well as high blood pressure.  When English settlers brought barberry root to North America, the American Indians found it similar to a plant that they used medicinally called the Oregon Grape.  The Indians soon adopted the barberry plant to treat sore throat, infected wounds, mouth ulcers, and intestinal problems.  The Native American medicine men would pulverize the bark of the plant and use the powder for treatment of the liver.  They were on to something because the barberry plant actually increased the production of bile which aids in the purifying of blood.

    There is a compound in barberry root called berberine.  This compound has been shown to kill microorganisms that cause urinary tract infections, dysentery, diarrhea, and wound infections.  Studies have shown that berberine may stimulate the immune system.  In Germany, barberry is an active ingredient in preparations designed to treat eye problems.  The berries obtained from the barberry plant are an excellent source of Vitamin C. Women who are nursing or pregnant should avoid barberry root extract as it may have adverse effects on the fetus.  Some side effects of taking barberry root extract may include depression and lethargy.  As with any dietary supplement, you should consult your physician before taking barberry root extract.

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