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  • December 22nd, 2011

    Helpful Herbs: Black Cohosh Root

    One of the many herbs found in our detox products is called black cohosh root.  Also known as black snakeroot, black bugbane and fairy candle, black cohosh root is native to the eastern part of North America and can be found from Ontario to Georgia.  Native Americans used black cohosh root as a medicine to treat problems such as inflammation, sore throats, kidney problems, gynecological problems, depression, and general pain relief.  The early European settlers continued the use of black cohosh root using the name black snakeroot to treat nervous disorders, rheumatism, sterility, pains for afterbirth and to increase breast milk production.

    Today, many herbalists use black cohosh root to treat symptoms relating to menopause and premenstrual discomfort.  Some recent studies have indicated that there may some compounds in black cohosh root that may be beneficial to the treatment of osteoporosis.  There may be some side effects related to the use of black cohosh root.  There have been reports of liver damage to a few individuals who were taking black cohosh root.  However, these may be isolated cases and do not reflect the majority of those who were using black cohosh root as a dietary supplement.

    In Australia, any product that contains black cohosh root has a disclaimer that the product may cause liver damage and should be taken only after consulting with a physician, despite the lack of conclusive evidence linking liver damage with the ingestion of black cohosh root.  There have been other side effects associated with the use of black cohosh root including headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, sweating, diarrhea, low blood pressure and sometimes seizures.  As with any dietary supplement, you should always consult with your physician before using black cohosh root.

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