Need to pass a drug test ? That's the best website

Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • August 13th, 2010

    How can I help?

    Getting ready to pass a drug test the right way can be a hustle sometimes – you take the pills, you drink all the water, but your little home tester still says “positive.” What else is there to do? How do you get rid of the consequences of all those years of smoking? One other thing to keep in mind – speed up your metabolism rate. THC metabolites are stored in fatty tissues of the body and to get them out of there you have to sweat a little – exercise! Any kind of work out burns the calories – walking, jogging, riding bicycle, lifting weights (which is the most sufficient, since you build up more muscle, and muscle burns more calories), but doing anything that makes you sweat will do.

    If you ever tried dieting, you probably know that eating less food but more often also helps keep your metabolic system busy. When you eat frequently but small portions you spread the intake of nutrients and the body works constantly on digesting it. If the meals are separated by a long period of time, your brain thinks that the body is in crises or that you’re starving yourself, and metabolism slows down. Frequent but small meal will ensure that all the calories you get with your food will be used for energy, and not stored in fat.

    For fast detoxification, if you cleaning out your body permanently, make sure that you do everything you can to help those capsules work better. Detox solutions are intended to help you, but first of all – you have to help yourself.

    How to pass
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