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  • April 16th, 2010

    How is it going to be?

    How far will they go? How much privacy will you get while submitting a urine sample for a drug screen? Different companies hold different policies on toleration of drug abuse, but one factor stays in common – they trust you to submit a sample on your own.

    - I had a test last week, and I got results a couple days ago. They said that the sample was too diluted and results were inconclusive.
    - Did you drink a lot of water that day?
    - Yeah, I drank some water and cleansing drinks the night before, and I drank more water after using a same-day cleanser before my test.
    - Excessive water will dilute your urine. You should have restricted water consumption to no more than a glass an hour.
    - Really? I thought I needed to drink more so I don’t have trouble going to the bathroom. Oh, well. Anyway, my company is asking me to do a re-test, and this time I want to use synthetic urine, but first I want to make sure that in a re-test they won’t be watching me or anything.
    - Did they supervise you in the first test?
    - No.
    - Then they shouldn’t change the procedure. You didn’t fail, so there’s really no reason for them to be concerned about the purity of your sample.
    - Oh, that sounds good! Thanks a lot!

    Monitored tests are very rare, and happen only under certain circumstances. In a regular pre-employment or employment urine drug test, privacy of the employees is respected. Well, at least at the level of going to the bathroom on your own.

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