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  • November 25th, 2011

    Joy of eating

    There is a pretty good chance that a person reading this blog had consumed pot at some point of his or her life. Have you ever wondered why does pot makes you hungry? Millions of people experienced “munchies,” some enjoyed it, others – not so much; but the fact remains – smoking pot makes you eat whether you planned to or not. Parties with a lot of food were always a good place to light up a joint, and diets get thrown out the window. For some time now this phenomenon is considered marijuana side effects by some people. Despite these strong words, it is the hunger inducing effect that is the reason why some people start using marijuana for medical reasons – besides such conditions as anorexia, HIV/AIDS, severe nausea, cachexia (wasting syndrome), certain prescription pills that are taken for other diseases than above, make a person to lose all appetite, and pot helps maintain a somewhat healthy diet. However, not too many people know that a recent research goes deeper into the subject and confirms that chemical reactions while consuming marijuana increase food enjoyment and the amount of times a person goes to the refrigerator. If before this effect was an unexplained mystery, now it is proven by scientists who distinguished a molecule – endocannabinoid, that is contained in marijuana and that binds with brain receptors and activates hunger. It is stated in the research that this endocannabinoid molecule activates cannabinoid receptors in the brain that are responsible for maintaining food intake, thus increasing appetite. As it turns out – it is all simple chemistry!

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