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  • August 17th, 2010

    More About Sweat Test

    Do you know what is the most intrusive drug test ever? It takes the most of your time and is impossible to pass unless you are completely clean. If you guessed “sweat test” – you guessed it right. Not the most precise test, but accurate enough and definitely a fool-proof. They stick a patch on your body and you have to wear for one full week (at least). It looks like an oversized band-aid, but the plastic is made from the special material, and if you take it off during the week, they will know and you will simply fail the test.

    There are over two million sweat glands in the body – eccrine and apocrine – and there are many places where is can be attached. Normally the patch goes onto upper arm or torso. Prior to application, the skin is cleansed with alcohol wipes – but no worries, that alcohol won’t temper with the test results, it will just cleanse the oil off your skin and will remove any possible external contamination.  The advantage of this test is the longevity of it – during that week everything that is in your body (meaning drug metabolites) will be exposed through your sweat into the patch, and there’s nothing you can do to avoid it unless you are completely clean. And it really doesn’t matter if you sweat a lot or not – skin is constantly breathing and sweat produced both by insensible sweating (passive loss of water) and sensible (when you exercise, exposed to heat, stress, humidity, etc.) So even if you keep cool, the patch will get all the info it needs.

    The only way to beat this test is to stop using and to cleanse out your body completely and permanently.

    How to pass
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