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  • February 1st, 2013

    Nature’s Detox: Cordyceps

    What in the world is cordyeps and why is it in my detox product?  Cordyceps is a fungus that has been used in Chinese herbal medicine for centuries.  It is found growing on the backs of caterpillars that live in the high mountain regions in China. This fungus also manifests itself in the form of mushrooms which grow high in the mountains in China and Tibet.

    Do not worry about the extinction of the Chinese caterpillars because cordyceps can be reproduced in a laboratory.   It has a wide range of uses.  It has been used to treat chronic bronchitis, persistent coughs and other respiratory problems. It is also effective in treating kidney disorders, impotency, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness and lack of energy.  It is also prescribed for increasing athletic performance and stamina and lowering blood pressure.

    The main reason that cordyceps can be found in detox drinks and other products that help you pass a drug test is because it is very effective in strengthening the immune system.  The immune system helps your body get rid of harmful toxins like THC and other drug metabolites left behind after your body metabolizes the drugs you have used.  By strengthening the immune system cordyceps increases liver and kidney function thereby cleaning unwanted toxins out of your cells and liver.  It is also believed to inhibit the growth of tumors and some oncologists are recommending the use of cordyceps in conjunction with chemotherapy.   Chemical can be a wonderful cure for many ailments but sometimes Mother Nature provides the best medicine.

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