January 16th, 2013
Nicotine Testing
If you are applying for life insurance then most likely the insurance company will want you to take a physical and this might require drug testing. This also will require that you undergo a test for another drug, nicotine. Insurance companies do not like to write policies for people who smoke cigarettes and if you do then you are likely to pay higher premiums.
Nicotine is the highly addictive chemical found in tobacco that can have long lasting and damaging effects to your health. Did you know that nicotine can also be found in eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes and green peppers? Unlike THC, nicotine can be out of your system in a relatively short period of time in order for you to pass a drug test. If you are up against a tight deadline you can use a detox product like The Premium Detox Seven Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program or the Stinger Seven Day Liquid to clean your body quicker. You should also get a home test strip called the cotinine test strip.
In order to prepare for your drug test or nicotine test you need to determine how long certain substances remain detectable in your system. Nicotine can be detected in the hair, blood, urine and saliva. Occasional smokers can expect the nicotine to be detectable for 3 days to a week in the urine. Passive smokers can expect nicotine to be detectable for upwards of 20 days and chronic smokers can expect much longer detection times. Physical activity is a good way to start to reduce the nicotine levels in your system as well as vitamin C and drinking plenty of fluids help. If you are up against a tight deadline though it would behoove you to look into the use of a detox drink or other detox product to expedite the nicotine removal process and don’t forget to home test!