July 31st, 2012
Not Completely
While trying to detoxify the body for an upcoming drug test, many people are determined to get completely clean. However, a little better understanding on how the tests work, would show that complete cleanse is not necessary to successfully pass a drug testing. When you consume marijuana, whether you smoke it, eat it, or just pop pills loaded with THC, the metabolite deposits in the fatty tissues of your body and slowly over time is being released and eventually removed from your body. It may take some time for it to be cleansed out, so in order to pass a drug testing people usually try to get rid of all of it from their bodies. Frantically looking for correct detox product that will works in the matter of hours may not lead to any good results, as mostly urine cleansers work that fast but do not last for long. Do not be turned off by the fact that it is impossible to cleanse your body quick – that is not necessary! The only thing you need to do is to lower the toxin level that is below the cut-off level of the test. You may not fully understand it, but each test has a sensitivity level – the level at which the drug will register present in the sample. If the concentration of the toxin is below 50 nanograms per milliliter (standard cut-off level for THC) – it will show as a negative sample. So if you have a workplace drug testing coming up in the matter of days – do not hesitate and do not hang up on the need to cleanse out the whole body, as only the urine needs to be cleansed! Complete detoxification is not necessary when there is an easier way out with a detox drink.