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  • August 11th, 2010

    Oh my! They are watching!

    What do you expect of a drug test? Go in, go out, bing-bam-boom. People do it every day, so it does not appear to be such a big deal. However, nothing can be more humiliating when you are being watched while going to the bathroom. Yes, that’s right – watched! Mandatory Federal Guidelines requires a direct observation while providing a sample! But don’t worry, this is only is your first sample was too hot or too cold – a sample outside the normal temperature range usually causes immediate suspicion.

    Chain of custody form that you fill out will state if the test is supervised. Indirect observation is pretty normal – that is: you are not being watched, but searched before going into a “dedicated bathroom.” This is a special room where all the water is shut off so you cannot dilute your sample with it. You will be asked to leave your purse, coat, jacket, etc. outside, and sometimes they can ask you to leave a door cracked open. They won’t peek in – it is just as humiliating for lab workers as it is for you, so don’t be angry if they just doing their job by following Federal Guidelines – but if some strange sounds will be heard coming out of the bathroom – you might be asked to do a re-test.

    Observed tests are very rare, but they do happen. If you planning on altering test results in any way, make sure you inquire first on the test guidelines you are going to be following, this way it is no surprise for you and you get the results you need.

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