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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

24/7 toll free call line (866) 600-0032
  • June 18th, 2012

    Oil and Water

    A lot of our pass a drug test conversations with our customers can get a bit scientific in nature. When it comes time to take and pass a drug test, understanding the science behind the urine tests and how they work can only benefit you more. An understanding of drug metabolites and how they work and pass through the body can help you to identify the correct detox products for your needs or if you will need to order a synthetic urine.

    THC and marijuana metabolite molecules are oil based in nature. Most other drugs, such as cocaine, opiates and amphetamines are water based molecules. Since the human body is mostly water, these water based molecules break down and pass through the body much more easily then THC oil based molecules.

    You’ve probably heard before that a cocaine user will pass a drug test after a week or less, but marijuana users can still urine test as positive up to 12 weeks after last use. This is due to the fact that THC is an oil based molecule and will stick to other oily molecules in the body and the only other oil based molecules in the body are the fat cells.

    We all know there is not yet any magic pill to shed fat cells. Diet, exercise and a detox kit are your best options to pass a urine test if you use marijuana. If you use the drugs that are water based, any of our detox products should help a urine test, but it is best to consult one of our detox professionals prior to purchasing a product if you want to pass a drug test.

    When it comes to hair testing for drugs, this same oil and water science works to benefit marijuana users. The oil based molecules of THC don’t bind very well with hair and can actually be cleansed away. While the water based molecules of other drugs do bind and lock into the hair strands proving to be impossible to remove and difficult to mask for a hair drug test. So it is important to consult one of our detox professionals prior to purchasing a test shampoo product if you’ve use any drugs other than marijuana.


    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine.

    There are products to pass drug test available that will help you pass a urine drug test, saliva drug test, hair drug test, Percocet urine test, amphetamine false positive, Tylenol 3 drug test, marijuana drug test, opiate cleanser, lortab urine test, adipex drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test

    Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox.

    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day drinks and pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.

    How to pass