May 28th, 2010
Sythetics R Us
For the first time since I have worked here I got a phone call from a man who told me he flunked his urine drug test using Synthetic Urine. Huh? That has never happened here!
Well the phone rang one afternoon and a gentleman started to rant and rave that he wanted to make a complaint against the synthetic urine he bought. I tried to ask him a few questions but he would not allow me to talk.
I let him finish ranting and asked him what urine was it? He said oh I don’t know urine this, synthetic that, lucky urine, urine synthetic etc. The customer did not know the name of the urine he bought. He said
- I failed because they could not test the PH level in the urine.
- Sir? You said you failed because they couldn’t check the PH level?
- Yeah that’s what I just said.I asked him for his name so I could look up his order. He then says:
- I didn’t order it from you I bought it at a head shop!
I thought to myself “Oh geez”. So I asked him what the label said on the bottle. He responded with
- There is no label it is a white bottle with yellow liquid that looks like urine in a box with markings on it.I had explained to him that he must have been scammed or bought bad synthetic. I also explained how the Synthetic Urines we handle are all tested in and out and have all of the same properties of REAL human urine.
CUSTOMERS BEWARE: Just because you see a label we sell or a product like ours that we deal with does not mean they are legitimate or guaranteed money back. Some retailers have a contract with the manufacturer to not do a money back policy. Please be sure to read ins and outs of labels and fine print when purchasing products from head shops or health stores.