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  • May 14th, 2010

    Refusal of employment

    Right at the end of my shift I was sitting back making sure everything I needed to get done for the days was done. The phones were pretty quite and I was wrapping up from a pretty busy day.

    The phone rang…….. MB Health how can I help you?

    The conversation consisted of a mother calling about her son, possible employment, and a FAILED hair follicle test.

    The woman on the other end of the phone explained her son failed his Hair Follicle Test and was refused employment for “Trace Amounts of THC”.  She explained her son was on prescribed medication and she gave the list of medication to the lab. However, there was one medication he failed to mention ASPRIN. I had explained to the lady that if her son would have listed ASPRIN on the section “Medications Taken On A Daily Basis” the lab would have done other testing to the hair.

    She continued to ask me “why?” I explained evolving hair follicle tests have given False Positives for standard over the counter medication. In this case ANY of his prescribed medications could have given POSITIVE results for an illicit drug but since the laboratory knew about them they could rule them out as medication. Although, there were trace amounts of THC in his hair it was still unexplainable as to “why?” Because her son has not used THC/Marijuana in over 3.5 years.

    The solution was simple. ASPRIN causes False/Positives. Over the counter medications can and do cause this problem. She thanked me so much for my time and even asked about our products. She told me the next time her son goes in for a hair test for another job she will call me for a detox shampoo just to be on the safe side.

    Any medication out in the market can cause a FALSE/POSITIVE. Be very careful about what medications you take weather it is prescribed or over the counter. Make sure the testing facility knows about what you have taken and it is documented.

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