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  • December 2nd, 2015

    The Top 7 Home Remedies You Should NEVER Use to Pass Your Drug Test (Part 1)

    Some people, when faced with a drug test, decide to use some home remedies instead of purchasing a detox kit. There are a lot of home remedies that one uses to pass a drug test. Most of them are just ineffective, but some of them are even dangerous for your health. In this article, we will talk about the most popular home remedies, and will explain why you should never use them.

    1. Vinegar

    149820-328x366-apple-cider-vinegarAll it will do is burn your mouth. It’s absolutely useless when you drink it in hope that it will mask toxins that you have in your system. If you add it to your sample, it will change the PH of your urine, and the sample will be considered invalid.

    2. Niacin (B3)


    This home remedy is not simply useless but also dangerous for your health. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that niacin will help you to pass a test. Actually, taking too much niacin might have serious consequences for you. Your body only needs 15 mg of niacin per day. If you go over, you might experience such symptoms as severe skin flushing, dizziness, itching, diarrhea, etc. Also, it can cause permanent damage to your liver.

    3. Bleach.


    This is another myth that has no scientific grounds. If you add it to you sample, it will simply destroy it. If you drink it (don’t do that!) it might bring you to emergency room.

    4. Goldenseal


    In contrast to the previous home remedies, it’s a healthy supplement, so it’s not dangerous for you. Moreover, it does work as a masking agent, so can hide the drug metabolites you have in your system. However, now the labs test for the presence of this herb, so if you take goldenseal, they will be able to see that you were tampering with the specimen.

    To Be Continued…

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