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  • December 17th, 2015

    The Top 7 Home Remedies You Should NEVER Use to Pass Your Drug Test (Part 2)

    In our previous blog entry, we discussed some home remedies that you should never use for your drug test because of their uselessness or, in some cases, even danger for your health. These remedies included vinegar, niacin, bleach, and goldenseal. Today, we will talk about a few more remedies that people use to pass a drug test…but still fail miserably.

    1. Ammonia.

    744563There is a myth out there that ammonia can mask the drug metabolites in your urine when added to the sample. The truth is, however, that it’s not just useless, but also easily detectable. As a result, in addition to failing the test, you might also face the legal consequences of tampering with the results.



    This chemical is often used as an ingredient in the production of jams and jellies. You can find a lot of articles on the Internet claiming that this home remedy will help you to pass a drug test. However, none of these claims have been supported by scientific evidence.

    3. Salt.


    This remedy has absolutely no effect on drug metabolites in your urine when added to the sample. Moreover, if it’s undissolved, it will sink to the bottom of your sample and will be easily detected by the test technicians.

    In conclusion, don’t try to tamper with your test results using home remedies. The biggest issues with these methods that they actually change gravity, pH-levels and creatinine levels of your sample. So your employer will be able to see that you tried to mask the drug metabolites which is worse then simply failing the test. There are a lot of undetectable products that you can use without taking this risk, such as permanent detox products, fast detox kits, or synthetic urine. They might cost a bit more than home remedies, isn’t that awesome job you’ve applied for worth it?

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