February 21st, 2012
The Truth About False Positives – Part 2
If your potential employee or child or ward, whomever, is beyond insistent that the test you just administered came up with a False positive, take a minute to listen, cause a good number of them could be telling you the truth. A large number of myths surround the false positive. For example, it is a strongly held belief (and multiple tests have proved this myth to be true) that something as simple as a poppy seed bagel could cause a false positive on a test. But is the fact that the false positives can be cause by something as simple as your breakfast, or the headache medicine you took last night to help you get some sleep, the real issue? The real issue isn’t that the false positives happen, it’s that too many people would like to deny their existence, the Testing companies. Seeing as how hundreds of millions of tests are administered within the United States alone every year, it’s imperative that we are all aware of the strong limitations that these testing devices have. With so many athlete’s and students and potential employees getting tested on a daily basis it’s good to keep in mind that these tests are not infallible. To complete a comprehensive look at the state of testing and the tests themselves a research study was conducted looking at any and all scientific articles published from 1980 to 2009. The results were quite illuminating. So many false positives from things we encounter in our everyday lives, and yet, you cannot register as a false positive when you’re simply around someone else who is smoking marijuana, you’d have to actually ingest to get a positive result, so don’t be fooled by this excuse.