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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • August 30th, 2010

    To Do’s and To don’ts

    Avoid drinking excess water. This could cause dilution in the urine. Try drinking 1 liter the day before your testing.

    Avoid drinking high sugary drinks, caffeinated drinks, fatty drinks.

    Avoid medications unless you need them to show. Some medications especially antibiotics can give a dilute or false-positive.

    Avoid vitamins, and herbal remedies. This will give funny readings because drug testing is made to detect “herbs” and weird substances in the body.

    Avoid poppy anything this could give you a false-positive for morphine, opium, codeine and sometimes hemp.

    There has been a rise in cases over the past few years about poppy seeds. These cases were for simple drug screenings and random employment testing’s. While we thought we squashed this problem years ago with the accidental “I had a poppy seed bagel for breakfast” saying now we are running in to more and more positive drug tests for opium, Morphine, codeine, hemp (THC).

    One case not to long ago barred a woman from employment because she had tested positive for morphine and codeine. Now this was because the media has said that poppy seeds cannot cause positive results from eating just one bagel or roll with poppy on it. How about the show “Myth Busters” they had a segment about this and they said it took 3 loaves of poppy seed bread to start to register positive on a drug test. Well little did anyone realize they were slamming water so they could urinate during the show. This diluted there urine and that is why it took so long to show on the drug tests.

    Remember to keep an eye on what you are consuming if you are seeking employment. A simple mistake could cost you that job you desperately need or need to keep.

    How to pass