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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • September 1st, 2010

    To Pee or Not To Pee

    That is the question.  Do you feel confident enough that the urine sample you are going to provide will pass the screening for toxins in your system?  If you haven’t ingested any questionable or illegal substance then you should have no worries.  If the opposite is true then you may have a few options to still pass your test.

    A gentleman called in a few weeks ago and said he had purchased our Fast THC Marijuana Detox Kit for People Over 200 Lbs and he had followed all of the directions and he still tested positive on his home test kit.  I went over with him exactly what he did and he seemed to have done everything according to the directions.  I was puzzled. I then asked him if he was a heavy smoker and he said he was.  I asked him “When was the last time you smoked?”  and he said “Last night, I smoke every night before I go to bed.”   Well that is why he failed.  It is recommended that you stop smoking at least 48 hours before your test, longer if you are a heavy smoker or have a body weight of or close to over 200 pounds.  In this gentleman’s case he was lucky and could reschedule his test for the next week and order another detox kit, stop smoking for the recommended time period and go into the test confident that he would pass. In the case he not been able to reschedule, his only other option would have been to go with the synthetic urine. He could use the synthetic because he said he would not be supervised while giving his sample and he wasn’t being tested by the Department of Transportation which runs specific tests for synthetics.  Lesson learned here: The directions on the product are not there just for decoration. They are there for a reason.

    How to pass