October 19th, 2012
Urine Testing for Probation (Part 2)
With a substance like marijuana, the THC is very slow to leave the system, especially with heavy smokers or people who have been smoking for some time. So when the person is put on probation they are drug tested initially and then may be subjected to random drug tests on a weekly or monthly basis. Even though this person has quit smoking marijuana, the THC may still show up in their urine sample for many weeks. The THC levels are recorded with each test and they should show a steady decline in the THC metabolite levels or the testers will become suspicious and possibly revoke bail and send the person back to jail. That is what the definition of probation is. It is the release of a person from detention contingent upon that person exhibiting GOOD BEHAVIOR while under supervision. The best plan of action if you are on probation is to just get clean and stay clean for the duration of the probation. It is a huge challenge but the consequences are far worse.
Getting the THC or any other illegal substances out of your system as quickly as possible is the best way to avoid any further hassles from your probation officer. Exercise, drinking plenty of fluids and taking B vitamins and other supplements can help. The Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program will help you eliminate unwanted toxins from your system rapidly and keep you clean until you decide to use again. If you are weak and you find yourself smoking again and you need to pass your urine test then the best option would be to stop smoking for at least forty eight hours before your test and use a strong detox drink or a detox drink / pill combination to help you pass. Get yourself a home THC test strip to check your urine sample before you submit your official sample to your parole officer.
Using someone else’s clean urine or even synthetic urine is not advisable for probation drug tests because the subjects are usually watched by the probation officer or they may have mirrors above the toilets to assure that no shenanigans are going on. Probation drug tests are not to be taken lightly and preparation is the key to success.