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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • August 12th, 2010

    UTI’s can cause more then health problems

    Earlier last week a customer called and he was genuinely concerned about an approaching drug test. So we talked for a little while and weighed out his options. We discussed detox drinks, pills, kits with drinks and pills, synthetic urines, shampoos, and even mouth washes just to be on the safe side.

    After the amazement wore off about all of the products out on the market we decided the fast kit for $55.99 would work great for him. He proceeded to tell me how he exercises on a regular basis and frequents saunas which in his case were good he was a pretty heavy smoker. So we reviewed the directions together before he purchased.

    So, yesterday I get a call and the gentleman asked for me personally. He asked what would happen if there was blood submitted. I then explained that the product he purchased was not for blood it was for urine only. He became panicked and asked how to get his money back. He said he didn’t fail his test that he knew of but wanted top be prepared incase he did. So, he began to tell me that when he submitted his urine sample he noticed his sample had a pinkish tint in it.

    Then he explained about 2 days before he noticed it but didn’t think anything of it and ended up taking a trip to the ER 2 days after the test to find out he had a pretty nasty Urinary tract infection which was being caused by dehydration and the sauna.

    Needless to say he had an inconclusive test result because of the UTI. They asked him to come back in to submit another sample after he purchased another kit to submit a clean sample. Now keep in mind usually documented paperwork will allow a “get out of jail” free card when giving an “inconclusive” test result. However, this is not always the case there have been documented tests that have not been retested, lost there jobs, or been turned away from employment.

    How to pass