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  • August 25th, 2010

    Water could cost you that job

    Japanese physicians have been recommending drinking at least 2 liters of water a day to keep your body hydrated. However, they never realized this could keep your urine dilute. Not only would this be a bad result for medical testing of urine but it could cost you a job you’re seeking or the one you carry now. Dilution has been an issue in urine testing for a few decades now.

    Rules have changed in the drug testing war and now if you have a dilute reading your automatically bared from employment or considered guilty of masking and using drugs which will either have you fired or not given the job.

    To all of you health wise people out there and to those who cannot handle harsh hot weather beware. I myself drink a lot of water each day and have tested myself and come up either dilute or had inconclusive results due to the water intake I have on a daily basis. This is just to keep me hydrated. Not too fair huh? Well luckily my boss understands and knows by other testing methods I am clean.

    So in this situation you are doing nothing and are an “innocent bystander” or you are guilty as sin and trying to give a clean specimen by diluting. You’re still going to get a negative response. So in this case you will want to try a detox drink to make sure your urine is of normal color and there are ph levels showing. Vitamin C also helps with this situation. You may be thinking you were trying the “holistic” approach and saving a few dollars but it is wise if you spend a few dollars to make sure you’re clean.

    Also try purchasing drug testing devices so you know before you go for your test your clean there are plenty of sites out there who offer an array of products along with testing devices for 1/8th of the price you would pay retail with low cost and guaranteed shipping.

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