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  • March 30th, 2011

    What’s In My Hair?! Part 13 Guar Hydroxypropytrimonium Chloride

    Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride is a modified form of Guar Gum. Most often used in cosmetics and personal care products because of its uses as a thickener and conditioner. This chemical is derived mainly from plants with very good conditioning and thickening properties. The addition of this chemical to the shampoo helps your hair greatly as it lessens static build up in the hair making for fewer fly-away hairs, and it is excellent for detangling your hair.

    This chemical is also water soluble meaning it can be absorbed by water making it light as a chemical and easily combined with other chemicals. Studies done recently have proven that the effects of this chemical on hair for short and long term periods went a long way in making the hair easier to comb and made the hair far more manageable. This test was done on both un-touched, and bleached hair.

    The chemical is also sometimes referred to as Conquat – GLX. In its natural state it has an off-white slightly yellowish tint color, and is usually found in powdered form. Because of it’s mild tone in color it is ideal as a thickening agent to be used in shampoos and conditioners without changing their basic color and scents. When added to water it becomes very viscous making it not only thick, but easier to stick to something, like a lotions ability to either stay where you put it or slide easily off. And because it does not cause any excessive build-up it is ideally used in cleansers and moisturizers.

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