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  • July 26th, 2011

    What is THC? A History Part 7

    Finally, let’s take a look at what exactly THC does within your body. There are many ways to ingest the substance and different types of ingestion can cause different effects as each type of ingestion allows a different level of Cannabinoids to get into your system. In your brain there are in fact receptors for Cannabinoids, when THC is ingested and your brain’s receptors get a hold of the Cannabinoid molecules your brain creates the feeling of being “high”. At the same time that the brain’s receptors receive the Cannabinoid your body also releases Dopamine, which sends a message throughout the body that you’re feeling happy and good. The production of Dopamine is not increased or decreased by the use of THC which is one of the arguments behind why exactly THC unlike most other drugs is not addictive.

    THC is absorbed by Fatty Tissue Cells within our body and stored there. It can remain in the body for up to 3 months, and in some rare cases even longer. Your body has many ways to process toxins out. The liver to clean the blood stream, the Kidneys to clean your digestive tract and many other little ways in which your body excretes toxins. There are many products on the market today that can help you reduce your Detox time greatly, but be advised, if you don’t research a product properly, or speak with someone about the product you want to purchase you could end up with something completely wrong for your Detoxing Needs. Scientists generally agree that many of the Detox Products on the market today can be harmful to your body, so beware of the product you purchase and do your research.

    The products you can find here on our website are all natural herbal supplements designed to aid the body in its natural Detox process.

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