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  • July 30th, 2010

    What will you do to pass a drug test?

    How do you pass a drug test? There are as many opinions about that question as there are people you ask. But how do you know which one is the right one? Is simple abstaining will work for you? What about masking, substituting, diluting? Sure, you’ve heard about all those fancy strategies before, but how do they work exactly?

    The cheapest and the easiest way to pass a test is to get clean – eliminate not only all illicit substances from your “regimen,” but also all prescribed or over-the-counter medications and vitamins that you might be taking. Also, check the detection times for each substance and add a couple days on top of the number – depending on the frequency and duration of usage, metabolism rate of your body, age and body mass can vary detection times that are different for every human being – metabolites retention in a body does not follow the table exactly to the letter.

    There are a lot of products out there that will help your body to rid of metabolites faster than you could do on your own. Permanent cleansers will boost your liver and kidney functioning – the primary organs that are responsible for detoxification of the body. Products specifically designed for that purpose contain a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and herbs, and taking them on daily basis cuts down metabolism retention time in two, and maybe tree times less.

    Also, keep in mind that there are different sensitivity levels – some test only detect recent usage, whereas some test can go lower on sensitivity to detect drugs that might have been used in the past.

    How to pass
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