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  • July 8th, 2014

    Why is it so difficult to pass a nail drug test?

    Nail drug test is considered to be the hardest drug test to pass. While there are many products on the market for urine, saliva, blood or hair drug testing, in case of a nail drug test there is basically nothing you can do.


    The structure of a fingernail is similar to the structure of hair. Nails and hair are both composed of hard protein (keratin). The same as with the hair, drug metabolites are deposited into nails from the bloodstream, and they remain locked in the structure of the nail as it grows. However, fingernails are four times thicker than hair, and they are also capable of capturing more substance. The metabolites locked in the nail structure can be detected as soon as 1 week after use, and remain there up to 6 month after use (until the nails get cut). Toenails grow at a much slower rate, and drug metabolites can be detected in them even one year after use.

    There are some companies that advertise products that can help you to pass a nail drug test, but the efficiency of these products has not been proven. I contacted one of these companies to find out more about how their products work. As it turns out, one has to clean the nails from drug metabolites by spending up to ten hours soaking the nails in chemical solution. I’m not sure if it’s a safe method in concerns to health.

    Some sources suggest that there are certain vitamins that one can take that make the nail grow faster.  This is simply not true. These vitamins only make the nails stronger, but there is nothing that can accelerate their growth.

    However, it might be a good idea to clip your nails as close to the base as possible before going to the nail drug test. It can help you to pass in case you didn’t do any drugs for a long time, and all the metabolites are concentrated in the tip of the nail that gets cut off. Except for that, there is nothing one can do to pass a nail drug test.

    How to pass
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