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  • January 20th, 2011

    Alcohol And Drug Screening Tests

    Read about alcohol and drug screening tests.

    The use of alcohol and drugs can progress into abuse and even addiction and in some cases people wont even realize that drinking and drugging have become a big problem for them. Alcohol and drug screening tests for job applicants and employees have proved to be a one of the most controversial employment practices. The federal laws try to balance the privacy of an employee against employer’s right to ensure a drug and alcohol free environment in the workplace. The laws vary from state to state depending upon the concerns of privacy issues and accuracy of the testing procedures. Despite all the concerns the drug and alcohol testing will continue!

    Employers have a right to have a workplace that is free from all the health hazards and if free from illegal drug abuse. Employers would generally not like the idea of drug testing as they are of the opinion that it is an invasion of their privacy. Moreover false positives are scaring even the most innocent employees and there are still doubts on the accuracy of tests being conducted. The drug testing procedure when an individual is asked to donate a urine specimen produces a feeling of embarrassment and humiliation. The testing procedures can reveal the amount of drugs used and disclose some information on medical conditions like pregnancy which one may want to be private. Although it is an invasion to privacy, states still permit alcohol and drug testing.

    Random drug testing for public safety is also permitted by some states. Drug tests can also be conducted in case of reasonable suspicion or post accident. All the employers must provide some kind of rehabilitation programs so as to get a permission to perform drug tests in their workplace. Some kinds of mushrooms are illegal and these mushrooms show up on drug test. Alcohol and drug screening tests are many a times administered by untrained personnel. There can be sample mixing, improper paper work or inappropriate testing procedure that might lead to many wrong results. Thus a number of states require the employers to confirm a positive finding with a more reliable confirmation test. It is a duty of the employer to go for a standard drug testing lab certified by SAMHSA.

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