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  • December 24th, 2010

    Alcohol And Drug Testing

    Alcohol and Drug Testing

    Alcohol and Drug Testing is the activity of checking if a person does consume drugs and alcohol. The tests also determine the level of drug and alcohol residue in the body of the user. The abuse of drugs and alcohol has many negative consequences for the user as well as for his friends, family and colleagues. Alcohol and Drug Testing is supposed to discourage the use of these. Testing positive in alcohol and drug testing, or even the fear of testing positive, is enough to deter many users from this bad habit.

    Drug tests are named after the sample that they use to determine drug use. A test that uses urine as a sample is called as urine drug / alcohol test. The other tests are the blood test, saliva swab test, hair test and the hair drug test. Urine test is the most common drug test while the hair drug test is the most accurate and most expensive drug test. Saliva test is a very quick drug / alcohol test. Blood and saliva tests can be used determining the use of alcohol.

    To pass a drug test, you need to know some basic details of these tests. As you consume drugs and alcohol, the residues of these are accumulated inside the body and can be checked in the samples of body hair / fluids. The more you consume drugs and alcohol, the more is the concentration of these residues inside the body. The best way for passing drug test free is to abstain from drugs and alcohol. If you consume them, then do not use them for at least 15 days before the test. In the same 15 days adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes fat burning exercise, drinking a lot of water and eating a healthy diet. Residues are stored inside body fats and burning fats breaks down these residues. Water then flushes out these residues through urine. This will take care of the urine and broadly the blood test. Passing the saliva and the hair test requires you to use detox mouthwash and masking shampoos before the drug test. The mouthwash has to be used 5 to 30 minutes before the test.

    How to pass