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  • November 17th, 2010

    At Home Drug Testing

    At Home Drug Testing.

    At Home Drug Testing Kits allow you to conduct drug test in the private confines of your house. With drug tests becoming almost a part and parcel of the academic and professional life, it is better to know the possible result of such a test in advance rather than testing positive in the final version. In case you test positive in the home drug test you can take corrective measures like drug test detox.

    The best way to pass a drug test is to abstain from drugs. But this is only a simplistic view. The possibility of false positive result in a drug test is a nightmare for many. This is when a person tests positive in a drug test even if he is not a user of drugs. False positive results from the consumption of certain medicines and foodstuffs. Therefore it is necessary to have a prescription of all the medicines you use. This can be submitted prior to the drug test to avoid uncomfortable situations later. Even better, check the chemical composition of all the medicines before you take them. In addition to this, you will also have to be cautious about what you eat for some days before the drug test. For e.g. eating poppy seeds gives a false positive result for cocaine. Make a list of all that you eat and check it with a professional.

    While purchasing an at home drug testing kit always go for a FDA approved test kit. These kits generally provide for a urine and saliva drug test. The reason for this is the ease with which urine and saliva samples can be collected. All that is required is a sample cup and a cotton swab for collecting urine and saliva respectively. The results can be availed within 3 to 5 minutes. The kits usually come with test strips that are to be dipped in the sample. The strip responds by change in color or appearance / non-appearance of certain line / lines. The interpretation of this change is also provided with the kit. For e.g. urine test strips indicate a negative test when a line appears in the control region and vice versa.

    How to pass