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  • January 20th, 2011

    At Home Hair Follicle Drug Test

    Read about at home hair follicle drug test.

    A drug test is considered to be the best way to determine whether an individual is under the influence of illicit drugs or not. Hair follicle drug tests are the most accurate forms of testing when it comes to screening the presence of prescription drugs as well as drugs of abuse in the hair shaft of an individual. With the rise in the number of drug tests performed, many companies have come up with at home drug testing kits to meet the growing needs of the abusers. Abusers can now pass drug test real urine kit or hair drug test with the aid of the drug test solutions available in a number of online drug stores and local pharmacies.

    Blood is responsible for the nourishment of hair. As an individual uses drugs, the metabolites enter the blood stream. If the drug metabolites are in the blood, it is obvious that they will get carried along with bloodstream and get encased in the hair shafts. This is the basic principle on which the hair follicle drug tests work. A hair drug test requires at least 100-120 strands of hair that are cut closely to the scalp. The hair must be at least 1.5 inch long. This arbitrarily limits the detection period of a hair follicle test to about 90 days after the last use of drugs. All the drug test kits include shipping to a certified laboratory for analysis. The standard labs measure the drug metabolites that get embedded in the hair shaft after the use of drugs. If there is a positive finding, a second confirmatory test is performed that uses GC/MS.

    At home hair follicle drug test kits have benefited the parents who suspect their wards for substance abuse. These kits are easy to use. All you need to do is get the hair sample. In case of absence of sufficient amount of hair on the head of the subject, the hair on any other part of the body can be used as a substitute. Then you have to put the sample in the collection foil. Make sure that you keep the root ends of the sample aligned while placing them in the foil. Put the foil in the envelope and ship it to the laboratory for technical analysis. It is that easy! So what are you waiting for? Go grab one!

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