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  • December 19th, 2010

    Bleech And Drug Test

    Read effects of bleech on body organs. Get to know how use of bleech proves dangerous.

    What if you are having urine drug testing in coming days and you know your test results will come positive if you do not try any detox products. Detox products work both ways. First of all they try to increase drug metabolite rate inside the body and secondly they naturally work to clean the bladder. Along with the detox products, there are some home based remedies too. However, most of then are not working effectively and comes under the category of myths. One such myth is related to bleech and drug test. It is actually a rumor that putting bleach inside the specimen will give you clean result in drug testing. It is one false way to clean drug specimen from urine samples. Possibly you may get pass drug test, but your test get positive for bleach. If you look for urine drug testing guideline, then adulteration or tampering with the sample have severe penalties. Along with this advantage, bleach leaves adverse effects on the body. Bleach tries to decompose ph balance. Furthermore, it will make you blind if you have larger dose of it.

    To avoid severe side effects of the bleach and some other products, why not you think on having naturally passing a drug test. There are so many home based remedies to pass the drug test. They are as effective as that of your detox products. It saves your money besides not giving any side effects. No need to buy anything, you just make use of products available at home only. Drinking excessive water is one best home remedy. It works exactly same as that of any expensive detox product. It increases rate of drug metabolites. Drug metabolites are nothing but the bye product of drug remnants. Furthermore, having lots of water default increases rate of urination. Drug metabolites gets pass through urinal flow. There is no need of taking any pills or powders when you are adopting this method. Just be ensuring that you stop this method 1-2 days before drug testing. Otherwise your cheat may get caught.

    To pass in drug testing, first make sure which type of screening is carried out. Urine testing is most accepted way in all sorts of drug testing; now saliva and hair testing get much approve as confirmatory test.

    How to pass