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  • November 17th, 2010

    Blood And Urine Drug Test

    Read about blood and urine drug test

    Passing a drug testing is the basic requirement to be eligible for a job or if you wish to participate in a sports event. Drug test is usually carried out by analyzing the urine, hair, saliva or blood sample of an individual. Out of these many courts and companies generally prefer urine drug test owing to the fact that they are accurate and can be relied upon. Blood tests are also accurate but are usually not preferred as they are invasive. There are certain differences in the two drug testing procedures. Scroll down to know more about the blood and urine drug test.

    The detection time of drug in the system of an abuser largely depends upon the half life of the drug, the intensity and frequency of drug usage, the body mass and metabolism rate of the system. The detection times in urine drug test are significantly higher than those in a blood test. Toxins are usually found in urine in large quantities which reveals the use of drugs. The presence of a drug metabolite in the urine sample cannot determine as to whether an individual is actually under the influence of a drug or not. Blood tests are effective in determining whether an individual is really using illicit drugs, but this may not be conclusive in all the cases of screening.

    No drug test can be completely accurate. Poor quality or contamination in drug testing labs has revealed high errors giving false positives. The accuracy of urine drug test varies depending upon how the test is performed and can also end up giving false positives. Drug testing is only reliable when all the aspects of drug testing procedure are done appropriately. This is the reason why sometimes it is easier to pass a blood drug test rather than passing a urine drug tests.

    Urine drug tests are inexpensive and the samples are readily available. This is the reason of their high and increasing popularity. Blood drug test on the other hand are a bit expensive and the samples are not available readily. Passing a drug test has become a need of an hour. People always indulge in unfair tactics like spiking and tampering the sample to pass a drug testing. The detox solution helps mask the metabolites in the system. To know what drug test detox work you can access various websites on drug testing and get the required information!

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