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  • December 24th, 2010

    Blood Drug Test For Marijuana

    Blood Drug Test for Marijuana

    Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the US as also in many other places of the world. It is commonly referred to as pot and is especially popular among school and college goers. This presents a grave danger, as these users are likely to graduate to pot addicts or move on to more potent drugs like cocaine. They may also become addicts of the more potent drug. Nipping the tendency, while these users are still young is therefore very important. Drug tests discourage the use of drugs through the fear of failing to pass drug test. Many schools, colleges and workplaces have drug screening policy. Schools and colleges conduct drug tests periodically for testing students. Workplaces can conduct drug tests as pre employment tests, during employment tests, random testing, post accident testing and return to duty testing etc.

    Marijuana use is usually checked in a urine test. The common nature of the urine test means that many techniques have been devised to go around the test. Therefore, sometimes the blood drug test for marijuana is used. The main advantage of the blood test is that you cannot substitute the sample – you cannot have somebody else’s blood running in your veins. Also the blood sample is withdrawn in front of the test conductor, effectively eliminating any chances of tampering with the same. The main disadvantage of the blood drug test for marijuana is that it can detect the drug only for 12 hours to 7 days after when the drug was last consumed. This range of timing is due to difference in how often and how much of the drug is consumed.

    THC i.e. tetra hydro cannabinol is the psychoactive substance in pot. It is soluble in body fat and is therefore stored for greater durations in the body. This quality also makes it capable of re – entering the blood stream. The approach for passing the urine and blood test for marijuana is broadly similar. Burn body fat by exercise and drink a lot of water to flush out the THC that is broken due to loss of fat in which it was stored. This has to be done for 7 to 15 days before the test and accompanied with a healthy and balanced diet.

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