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  • November 17th, 2010

    Cheat Drug Test

    Read about how to cheat drug test

    A drug test is more fearful than any other test in life. It is certainly life changing. Failing a drug test will drag you behind bars and steal away your social status and even your bright career. You will not just have to face the judge but also your children, family and friends. Being a drug addict is equal to any other criminal accuse. Even after knowing all this many people still consume drugs because once you are addicted to drugs, then it is quite difficult to come out of it. For those people this article is quite useful because it teaches you to cheat drug test.

    Drug test are of many types. They can be differentiated according to the drug that has to be tested or the sample which is taken for the test. Here you will find ways to beat a drug test according to the specimen required for it. Here are some ways:

    1. Saliva drug test: Passing a saliva drug test is quite simple. Clean your mouth well, floss your teeth, brush them and rinse them with Listerine. If you want more and better ways to pass this test then search for some online saliva drug test info.

    2. Hair drug test: It is difficult to pass this type of test, because it is the most advanced type of drug test. With the help of hair sample drugs that have been consumed three months before the test can also be detected. To pass this drug testing you need to clean the hair right from its root because drugs are traced from there. This can be done with detox shampoos. They are easily available through online order.

    3. Urine drug test: If you reduce the concentration of drugs from your urine sample them you can easily pass this test. Never give the first urine of the day for drug testing because it will contain more drug than the second or the third one. Try to urine as much as possible before submitting the sample.

    How to pass