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  • February 16th, 2011

    Cocaine Crack Clean Drug Test

    Read about cocaine crack clean drug test.

    Drug testing for crack cocaine is often used as a part of cocaine prevention and treatment programs for addiction. The effectiveness of cocaine drug test use is widely criticized and debated. Although, it is a clear invasion to the privacy of the subjects, many employers and high school officials continue to perform random checks. Thus one should learn some of the facts related to cocaine drug testing. Drug testing for cocaine and crack cocaine is required by the school administrators, parents, employers or drug rehab counselors to discover the use of cocaine by a subject. A positive drug test result for cocaine helps identify those who need help to overcome the addiction. However, drug testing for cocaine is not always accurate. A lot of drug detoxify info is available on several websites serving for the purpose of providing help to pass a drug test.

    A drug test for cocaine is performed by utilizing a specimen provided by the subject and then shipping the specimen to the drug testing labs for analysis. Some of the drug testing methods provides quick results, though a positive result is required to be confirmed. The cost of a drug test for crack cocaine can vary from a few dollars each to 100 dollars, depending upon the type of the test performed. The specimens that can screen the presence of cocaine include urine, saliva, sweat, blood and hair. With most of these drug testing methods, cocaine can be detected only for 2 to 4 days after its last usage. For the heavy chronic users, the detection period can be up to several weeks.

    A hair follicle for drug test cocaine can detect the use of cocaine for several methods. However, the most common method employed is urinalysis. This is because the test reduces the performance costs and provides quick results. These testing methods are preferred by employers and high school officials. However, a urine drug test is easy to tamper with. The very obvious and effective method of passing a drug test for cocaine is not to do drugs at the very beginning!

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