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  • December 24th, 2010

    Cocaine Drug Tests

    Cocaine Drug Tests

    Cocaine is among the most potent drugs used. It is also among the ten most popular drugs used. Cocaine was originally used as a local anesthetic. It was especially helpful during eye surgeries when the patient was required to move his eyes on the direction of the surgeon. This necessity made it impossible to administer a general anesthetic. Once the effects of cocaine became known, its illicit use started to become rampant. Cocaine hydrochloride is usually made in South America and is illegally exported to Florida from where it goes throughout the United States.

    The drug is generally referred to as crack. The urine drug test is usually used as the cocaine drug test. The best way to pass a drug test for cocaine is to stay away from this drug that is the cause of many personal, professional and social problems. The urine test looks for benzoylecgonine – a metabolite of cocaine. A concentration of 300 nano grams per milliliter, or 300 micro grams per liter, and above is considered to be a positive test. On average cocaine can be detected in urine for 3 to 5 days after it was last used. For high users this period can extend up to 8 days, while in the case of chronic users this period will be as high as 10 to 22 days.

    Do not think about using synthetic urine after reading any synthetic urine drug test article. These days supervision for urine tests is strict. This will effectively eliminate any chances of substituting or tampering with the sample. First of all, you are made to change into a hospital gown before you go into the chamber where you urinate in the sampler cup. This is to prevent you from carrying anything that can be used to tamper with or substitute the sample. Even if you do get the synthetic urine inside, it will be of no use. For they measure the temperature of the urine sample. If it is not within the range of body temperature, then your replacement mischief will immediately become apparent. And, the peeing chamber is either devoid of any water taps or the supply will be temporarily suspended.

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