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  • December 24th, 2010

    Difference Between Drug Test And Drug Screen

    Learn essential difference in between drug test and drug screen.

    Well, though drug screening and testing sounds similar they are having huge difference if you consider by performance point of view. Figuring out the difference in between them is quite logical. You may find these differences quite confusing and consequence can be devastating. A better way to differ in between these two methods is with their performance time. Drug screening is takes less time compare to testing. It is cost effective form to know whether person is under drug influence or not. You can quickly view the sample and now with the availability of home base drug rest kits you can conduct it at home as well. One main difference between drug test and drug screen is their sensitivity of testing. Drug screening methods are not selective but they are selective.

    Being considered that drug screening methods are not sensitive, results you got from them may have chances of false positive. It is observe that screening methods shows false positive result for poppy seeds, ibuprofen etc. Reason behind it is screen fail to understand the chemical difference in between these substances and drug particles. Now you may be wondering that when statistics are showing that drug screenings are bad why do laboratories use these methods. Answer is in only word- their cost effectiveness. Screening laboratories will get crash if they start adopting drug testing method for each and every testing sample. It could cause very expensive to work organization and chances that they might drop the idea of drug testing program.

    There are so many complications involve with the drug screening forms. Very first they need to check manually. In manual checking there is large involvement of human error. Drug screening forms are most popular one for pre- employment or with parole departments. If you are looking for how to pass a probation urine drug test then its answer is stop your drug abuse habit immediately. You can use different detox products home remedies to get clean result. However, they fail to show any result on body unless you stop consuming drugs.

    Another type of screen is accomplished with the drug testing method. Here samples are tested with an automated screen. Mainly this method is used by Department of Transportation and Major Corporation’s workplace. GC/ MS methods are used for drug testing. These two methods are most precise one and check every drug metabolites for factors like their molecular size, weigh of atom and charge on them.

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