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  • January 20th, 2011

    Does Water Help You Pass A Drug Test

    Does water help you pass a drug test? Yes.

    If you look for any online forum or sites dedicated for drug testing, you will observer one common remedy. Every author, doctor ask for drinking plenty of water or to raise the overall fluid intake. You might think that does water help you pass a drug test? Answer is yes. If you are undergoing from any detox treatment, it is essential that you drink excess water. Normally 10-12 glass of water. Why everyone says to drink water? Main reason behind it is water helps for dilution process.

    What is dilution? With dilution you can reduce the drug metabolic count below the cut off level. One simple way to achieve this is adding warm water into the sample. This increases the water content inside the sample and effectively masks the drug metabolites. Diluting a specimen reduces the gravity as well as Creatine concentration. Drug screening laboratories mainly check these factors. So if you get succeed in fooling these two factors, you pass your drug test. However, make you are plain warm water only. It is important to achieve specific temperature of the sample.

    However, there are lots of myths attached with the water intake. Many people assume that they will get negative result by drinking excess water. It is not true. Drinking water is just a supplementary act to remove drug metabolites. It shows result, but slowly and after couple of weeks. It requires patience and time to get clean result. You can take water in the form of other format as well. Citric juices are best advised by nutritionist. Citric acid acts as detoxification agent and tries to flush drug metabolites from the system. You can also take clean tea or herbal tea. They are best to increase urinal frequency and for marijuana passing a drug test as well.

    However, it is desirable that do much on this remedy. Keep water intake in moderate amount. There are some cases where people loose their life due to water intoxication. It is also risky in terms of suspicion. If you add excess water into the sample, it will definitely caught by drug testing authority. Also it increases the chance of increasing the sensitivity level of testing. While adding water in the sample considers these factors as well.

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