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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drinking Bleach For A Drug Test

    Drinking bleach for a drug test. Does it leave any harm to the body?

    Drug Tests are being widely employed to check drug use or drug abuse by employees, school and college students, sportspersons, and every where person’s reputation is on stake. The fear of testing positive leaves drug addiction in control. Loosing job, employment chance, insurance, custody of child are few examples where positive result matter in your personal life. This is in addition to the loss of reputation that goes with it. There are different ways in taking drug screening test. Out of that urine drug testing is most popular form of the drug testing. You can effectively beat urine drug test with the help of detox products. However, it is necessary to give up your habit of drugs for a while.

    Now, if this loss is due to your addiction habit then you deserve it and do not deserve any sympathy. However, if this was case of false detection then there is a big problem. Drug tests have a limited accuracy and reliability. Even if new technology comes in existence each day. Main reason may be behind drug testing laboratories. If they are not standard one, defiantly they will create fear of false positive drug test. Over the counter drugs falls into substance causing false positive drug test. Unfortunately, if you are on any medicines from long period, carry your medical history file at laboratory. Medicines used for diabetic cure and kidney diseases creates interference in drug metabolites.

    Those who use drinking bleach for a drug test do not understand that bleach can cause more harm than good. Bleach can be too harsh on your body system and should be avoided as far as possible to pass a drug test. All that could happen is that it could cause severe scratches inside your body. Repeated or over use of bleach can cause risk of life as well. All the help you need is available online and very convenient to access within a few clicks. You can make use of them without violating your privacy. Now, you can also monitor drug metabolites trace through home base techniques.

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