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  • October 28th, 2010

    Drug Screening Information

    Read the drug screening information.

    Drug testing has become mandatory in workplaces and schools with increased number of drug abusers all over the world. Are you also seeking a job? Then you soon will have to face a drug test. Fearing a drug test is a natural human tendency. But don’t worry and read this article about the facts related to drug screening.

    Drug testing is generally done for the purpose of detecting the following drugs:

    1. Cannabinoids (marijuana, THC)
    2. Barbiturates (BAR)
    3. Amphetamines (amphetamine, methamphetamine)
    4. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or ecstasy)
    5. Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine, 6-MAM)
    6. Methadone (MTD)
    7. Benzodiazepines (BZO)
    8. Phencyclidine (PCP)
    9. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)
    10. Cocaine (cocaine, benzoylecognine, cocaethylene)- tests for cocaine metabolite)

    Drug tests come up in several form like the urine test or blood test. It could also be a hair test or saliva for the detection of drug metabolites in your system. Urinalysis is the most common method whereas the blood drug test is rarely preferred. Blood drug test is only done in high profile agencies. The detection time in hair is the greatest. The detection time in urine is significantly greater than the detection times in blood. Hair drug testing works by detecting the sample of hair present on the head. In absence of hair on the head, body hair can act as a substitute. These samples are difficult to tamper with but certain shampoos can be used for washing away the toxins from hair.

    The presence of drug in urine cannot determine as to whether an individual is under the influence of drugs. The amount of drug ingested cannot be determined by a urine test, whereas the blood tests are more accurate and apt but are least preferred. Saliva tests are also very accurate as the samples are collected by the authorities directly and cannot be tampered. Urine test accuracy is variable. The urine sample can easily be adulterated. One can easily pass a drug test if the tests are not properly done or in case of inept authorities. There are 3 aspects of reliable drug testing:

    1. Strict collection procedures.
    2. Proper testing procedures and
    3. Random calls.

    Unfortunately today majority of the tests are poorly done and fail to provide an appropriate result. The availability of many drug solutions is helping the abusers to test negative and easily pass a drug test. Traditionally drug test were performed at labs under supervision of experts. Now even parents can take the samples without the knowledge of their children ant test the samples with the help of home kits and urine drug test panel available online.

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