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  • December 19th, 2010

    Drug Test Accuracy

    Read for what is drug test accuracy.

    A drug screening or test is nothing but technically analyzing biological specimen like urine, saliva, blood, sweat or sometimes even hair. These biological specimens are used to detect presence of particular parent drug metabolites or sometimes even actual drug traces. Most of these drug screening are carried out to check the presence of performance booster steroids or drugs in sport competition. Or sometimes for the drugs which are banned and prohibited for consuming. Like cocaine, heroin, hashish, marijuana etc. Now days, you can even come across with the instant drug test kits. They are extensively used in United States allowing more cost effective option for detecting drug presence. It is also useful in rehabilitation programs. With this drug testing kits, one can readily measure and monitor his progress. Though drug test accuracy varies as per manufacturer, you can really have 97-98% accurate result which is exactly matching with the test result carried out with big laboratories.

    Almost all the drug screening are carried out with higher dignity and confidential. If you are worried about what can be the best way for passing a drug screening test? Here are the some tips, which aid you to have clean result in drug screening.

    1. Very first point to pass drug test- Remember that drug metabolites present in one’s system get varied from person to person. There are lots of reasons behind it. Your body mass, smoking history, way of screening you chose, gender, current health status are the few factors leaves direct impact on your drug test result.
    2. Change your diet plan- Switching diet plan comes under the home remedies. Try to have more fiber and solvents. Better if you have it in natural ways. Fiber increases your excretion power. So that drug metabolites gets way to pass away from the body.
    3. Drink plenty of water- Increase water intake speeds up the drug metabolite rate. You can say that water acts as a catalyst. Along with this advantage, it increases frequency of urination as well.
    4. Stop having fatty products and alcohol. They stored inside the fatty cell.
    5. Try to keep your mind calm and relaxing. Have so meditation or berthing exercise, so that your aggressive mood will be in control.

    To get clean result in drug testing, it is necessary to have your body clean from drug metabolites. You can have ready detox products. There are detox products like body cleaners or urine additives.

    How to pass