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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Test Hair Test

    Read about drug test hair test.

    You never know when the employer might walk to your desk and ask you to get through a drug test. Employers have the right to conduct random drug tests and monitor the potential employees. According to the policy and procedure random drug testing, the employers have to provide a written policy document to the subject before performing the test. The use of drugs by employees can affect their productivity as well as hamper the progress of the company. A drug test can come up in several forms, urinalysis being the most common method. Passing a drug test hair test is easier with the aid of the several detox products and solutions available all over the internet. You will find several myths and anecdotes on the internet that claim to help you switch the drug test results, but none of these are proven effective.

    Hair follicle drug tests utilize a hair specimen to detect the presence of prescription drugs and illegal drugs. These methods are considered to be the most appropriate and accurate amongst all the methods employed to screen the drugs. As soon as a person uses a drug, the drug metabolites get deposited in the hair shafts and remain detectable in the scalp unless one cuts the hair. Hair follicle drug test requires 80 to 100 strands of hair measuring about 3 cm in length to detect the traces of drugs. The average growth rate of human hair is 0.5 inch per month. This limits the detection period to about 90 days. Longer the length of hair, the longer the history of drug usage will be revealed.

    Many people try to circumvent a hair drug test by shaving off their hair but this tact won’t work In the absence of sufficient amount of hair on the head, the hair on the other body part can be used as a substitute. There is no tactic that will help you avoid a drug test protocol. It is better to stay away from this bad vice to safeguard your future. There are a variety of detox shampoos available in the markets that promise to cleanse the hair and make the scalp free from all sorts of drug residues. Making use of the shampoo will help you pass a drug test!

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