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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Test Pass Piss Urine

    drug test pass piss urine, how?

    Many people need to drug test pass piss urine. Hence their main concern is how to get clean sample. People in smoking marijuana from quite long time find it little difficult to get clear sample. However, there are some home remedies for passing a random drug test. You can try few of them to cleanse your urinal track and have confident attempt to get clean result.

    First one is exercise- THC or marijuana metabolites get stored inside the fat cells. It clearly indelicate that proper workout gives quality help to break down these links of metabolites from system. The only and most efficient way to break THC out from the body organs is exercising. Many times proper combination of workout together with herbs and diet help to reduce the marijuana metabolites which are quite enough to beat the drug test. If you are looking for dilution attempt, then nothing can help well than water. Start drinking plenty of water as soon as you come to know your screening date. It is said that person should consume minimum glass water per day and should continue with the same till screening date.

    Though THC metabolites are fat soluble, water will not completely thrash THC metabolites through system. It just dilutes the drug metabolites and reduces their level below the cut off. However, do not overdo this method. It will not make any magical difference in your result. Hence it is always advisable to maintain proper water level. Avoid drinking loads of water as it may be show very severe side effect on the body. If you non vegetarian and not on any king of diet, then red meat is good option. Red meat naturally have great source of Creatine. Creatine is necessary to consume to hide all your adulteration attempts. Red mean is also having heavy source of vitamins. Hence these substances increase the non watery level of urine sample and effectively mask the drug metabolites. It is advisable to have them 3-4 days prior to pass a drug test.

    Look that you are getting plenty fiber. Fibers speed up the bowel activity and help to get rid from drug toxics instantly. Provide more focus on having natural form of fiber. If it is not possible, the fiber powders or supplements can do.

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