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  • November 17th, 2010

    Drug Test Pills

    Read about drug test pills.

    People love taking shots and living life the wilder way. But there can be nothing worse than this drug addiction. Drug testing is gaining popularity as the drug use is becoming more and more popular amongst the population. It is a mandatory check when it comes to pre employment or enrolment of a student in a school or participation in any sports activity. With the advent of many drug detox solutions and pills one can swindle a drug test and come out with flying colors. This article will tell you about drug test pills and how they can be help pass a drug test.

    Various pills for passing a drug test are available in a number of pharmacies and online drug stores. These pills are highly effective and can help one pass the standard 5 drug test easily. The drug testing pills provided by some trusted companies remain 100% undetectable in the system and come into action in 60 minutes.

    Drug tests can detect the use of drugs by measuring the metabolites, by products of drugs. The body stores these metabolites when a drug is ingested, inhaled or smoked in the fat cells and as the cells are burned these metabolites and drug residues are discarded through the urinary system. These drug test pills helps by working as flushing agents to detoxify your system for all the unwanted toxins. The drug tests pills temporarily speeds up the body’s ability to flush out the harmful toxins.

    The drug test pills remain effective for minimum of 5 hours after consumption. If you consume them by drinking loads of water they will prove themselves more effective. The lab authorities are smart and they can detect the tampering of sample by measuring the pH level, creatinine level and specific gravity of the urine. The labs also check for certain chemicals that can help mask the drug metabolites in the system. The manufacturers of drug test pills have made sure that these pills won’t affect the pH or alter the creatine level so that the drug testing labs won’t come to know that you have tried masking the metabolites.

    So what are you waiting for? Make a right choice and buy the right products and you could pass a drug test!

    How to pass