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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Test Using Blood

    Drug Test using Blood

    Drug Test is the procedure of determining drug use by a person. A sample of body hair or body fluid like urine, blood, saliva or sweat is extracted from the person and scanned for presence of drug residues. Drug tests are named after this sample. Thus we have the urine test, blood test, saliva test, sweat test and the hair drug test. Each test has its inherent strengths and weaknesses. And you need to adopt a different approach to pass drug tests of different types.

    A drug test using blood is a blood drug test. An advantage of this test is that the sample cannot be tampered with or substituted. For you cannot have somebody else’s blood running in your veins. And, since the sample is extracted in front of the test conductor, you cannot tamper with it. The blood drug test has detection times lower than the urine test but greater than the saliva test. Detection time is the period for which the drug test can detect drug use after the drug was last consumed. An example will illustrate the point. A urine test has a detection period of between 10 to 90 days for marijuana, depending on the drug use habits. The corresponding period for a blood test is between 12 hours to 7 days. Pot can be detected in saliva only for 24 hours after it was last used. The largest detection period for any drug is with the hair drug test, in this case it is 90 days for standard hair tests and 3 years for an advanced test.

    You cannot pass drug test drinking vinegar. It is one of those urban legends associated with drug tests. The best way to pass a drug test is to abstain from drugs. You also need to keep away from all those medicines and foods that can give a false positive test – a condition wherein even non-users can test positive. As a matter of precaution you can detoxify your body. Natural and synthetic methods are available. The former are slow but more effective in the long run. They are also devoid of any side effects that can be associated with the synthetic methods.

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