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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Testing Using Hair

    Read about drug testing using hair.

    Drug tests are just another method to stop the wide spread use of drug. Drug addiction has grown all over the world and so new and better instruments have been made to conduct drug tests. One of the most advanced drug testing method is that of using hair specimens. There are many reasons for it and some of them have been discussed over here. Read this article to know about them.

    How does hair drug test work? When a person consumes drugs some of the residue gets stuck in the root of the hair. During a hair drug test the hair is plucked right from its root and analyzed.

    Why is hair drug test the most advanced one? The reason for this is that one cannot easily clear this or her off drugs like people do for other drug tests. It is not easy manually to clean your hair. As said before, drug gets stuck in the root and so one cannot clean very hair right from the rot. The only way of the drug to come out is when the hair grows from the root or else you can even shave off your scalp, but that is not a good way. This test is so advanced that it can detect even those dugs that have been used three months before the actual test.

    How to pass a hair drug test? Though it is difficult to clean your hair manually you can pass drug test with detox shampoos and hair gels. That clean or cover your hair respectively. These detox shampoos get deep in your hair and clean it write from the root of the hair.

    How must does it cost for a hair drug test? The only disadvantage of hair drug test is the expensive drug testing set up required for it. For a sophisticated drug test like this one it is obvious that a sophisticates set up will be required which is sure to be expensive.

    As better and better instruments are coming up to conduct drug test in the same manner, people are searching for better ways of how to pass a urine drugs test or a hair drug test. Many have succeeded in doing so.

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